Monday, April 7, 2014

What a girl wants

Tonight we cruised along the Pearl River. Saw the 2nd tallest building in the world. I'm sure we were told the first tallest but bt crying toddlers and crying mamas (ha) I didn't hear. We ordered PaPa Johns to take with us. I guess past families have complained about the food on the cruise, regardless, we enjoyed the evening. Our hotel rooms are so spread out, our group is separated in this hotel and we are discovering we all do not like that. Five star or not, I think we all preferred our previous hotel in zhengzhou. Our rooms were side by side, all on the same hall and we felt like more of a community. This group (along with all the prayers from home) is what has given us strength on this trip. I can not imagine doing this trip without these families here with us! They are all so amazing and I'm already sad about leaving them-Not sad about leaving-sad about leaving THEM. Ai-Le Kate showed her personality tonight. She is precious and silly and cute and funny to watch-should I go on??? I think everyone is enjoying her. She is a little older than some of the others and a little more outgoing. However, the difference a week has made is truly unbelievable. Some of these babies are completely different children than they were a week ago, I guess they all are, I guess we all are! Ai-Le  is letting me love on her and sing to her. Steve went downstairs to get $ and when she realized he was gone she got nervous but I pulled out a chicken nugget and she was happy again.  She is feeding her nerves-just like her mommy.

Her cute, Ch*nese outfit with her new favorite shoes

We were told not to eat the fruit

2nd tallest building in the world, or just in China?


  1. Watching your family brings back so many memories. Guess what? Our son was from Zhengzhou also so we can relate to the week spent there too.

  2. Neely & Steve,
    I have tears streaming down my cheeks as I read the newest two posts... It is so evident that your steadfast patience with her is definitely building her trust with not only her Daddy, but also with her Mommy. What GIANT steps she made today: reaching for Mommy to pick her up, letting you sit by her, allowing you to love on her and sing to her....what an AMAZING day for all three of you!!!
