Thursday, April 24, 2014

I'm sorry but I'm still thinking of the right words to say...

I know they don't sound the way I planned them to be...

So, Allison sent me this video and evidently it's all over FB, but I love it! If you have been around us since we returned home, you know we probably haven't been exactly politically correct about the adoption. We are still learning what to say and not to say. Trust me, we do not take this responsibility lightly, HOWEVER, we CAN make light of circumstances and situations that can be difficult and uncertain. We have spent a small amount of time around adoptive families, we were required to watch-I think 12 hours worth of videos on adoption, I've read dozens of books on adoption over the last year and a half. Nothing can truly prepare you and I think we aren't even at the hard part yet. If you know me, you know I am not a good speaker. I don't just mean a good public speaker- a good speaker in general. I get tongue tied, I say the wrong words with the wrong meaning or flat out just don't speak at all for fear of sounding like a stuttering idiot. I actually do believe I have some form of stuttering. If a diagnosis doesn't already exist, I'm going to discover it, patent it, and buy a beach house! I truly believe there is a serious disconnect between my brain and my mouth most of the time. Steve says he doesn't understand how there could be such a difference bt my written word and spoken word. I'll agree with him. Not that there is anything poetic about my blogs-I'm just glad,like my scrapbooking, I will have a permanent record of how Ai-Le came into our lives.
All that said, please never fear saying the wrong thing or having said the wrong thing about her or us or adoption. If you know me well I'm sure I've said the wrong thing to you a time or twelve! I love to talk about adoption. I love to talk about Ai-Le Kate!
This video gives a comical look at what not to say!

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