Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Just another day in paradise

First decent night of sleep last night for me and for Steve. At breakfast she fed herself thin noodles but wouldn't try anything else. Yesterday she drank so much at breakfast she threw up all over Steve's lap. Steve was a champ though. He wigged out only a little bit and if you know him, that is saying a lot. Then we headed to jiaozuo- the city she was found and the place where she spent at least some part of her life. We are unsure now how long she was at the orphanage and when she was moved. We assumed it was to a foster facility here but our guide told us Monday she was brought from Beijing. 
She is definitely coming out of her shell. At least with Steve anyway. She gets worried when I leave but she doesn't want me too close and she certainly doesn't want me to look at her. She can look at me but if I look at her while she's looking at me she gives me this look and then quickly looks away. Steve says her face looks like she is sucking on a lemon. We are trying to laugh at it and I know it bothers Steve bc he is constantly checking with me to see if I'm ok. Honestly I am.  I'm just thankful she is bonding to someone and I'm grateful it's him bc they will never have time like this again. She and I will though- I survived the long day on the road without getting carsick which is a blessing in and of itself. I felt extremely weird until yesterday. I took my scope patch off bc I wondered if it was the reason I felt out of sorts for the last week.  I've only had two mild headaches. No migraines. One of them was gotcha day and I believe it was stress related. The other I'm sure from fatigue. Ive only had to take Bayer migraine- nothing stronger so that is also a blessing. Steve has taught her to say as of today-Will, Luke, ge-ge (g as in girl  which is brother -not like miss gail ge ge but guh-guh) make sense? Uh oh-she says a bunch! Shoe, She says the Chinese word for car a lot. I know I'm rambling-flight of ideas or stream of conscience. Anyway- if you have seen the Bee Movie-picture when they are in the hive and a million cars are buzzing around. That is what it's like here.  Chaos but controlled chaos. We were in a van on the interstate and no car seat. We were flying down the road and I was too afraid to look at the speedometer. Truly there are very few wrecks. Our guide tells us texting or talking while driving is illegal   I told her it was in US as well but everyone does it anyway.  Honking is more informative and less emotional. They honk as if to say "I'm here beside you or behind you" as opposed to the American "get the *** out of my way."  She got real nervous getting in the van this morning. Our first stop was at the office to have her passport photo.  Not sure if it reminded her of something but she was not having it. She became hysterical until Steve took her out of the building. They had to have a pic without tears and without Steve. Well that wasn't happening. Finally they let Steve put her on his knee. she never quit crying but they were able to snap a pic with an expression that was acceptable. So the funny of the day. On the way back from jiaozuo I got out  sweet potato puffs for her. I made it a game and she would actually open up each one of my fingers till she saw it and grabbed it.  I even got an accidental smile out of her. Then she wanted more but she wasn't eating them she was storing them in her other hand. Later she handed the puffs to Steve and then she would take them from him. RUKM?!?  So I tried to give her more and she would grab them out of my hand,put them in Steve's hand, and then take them out of Steve's hand to eat. I hope that makes sense bc we got a big laugh out of it. Oh yeh she has laughed today but when I laugh when she's laughing, she stops and gets mad. Truthfully at this point it's cracking me up- mainly bc she's so stinking cute. So we get back to our room and Steve goes into the bathroom. She runs in there after him and starts undressing. Thinking he is getting her bath ready. Third bath thus far! She is going to love the pool!  However, another dad with us-on his second adoption- suggested Steve leave me here alone with her. So Steve and Derek-another dad- left for Walmart and to pick up dinner-some American Chinese food. Ok so  here there is no sweet and sour anything or general tso's chicken- that's not real Chinese food evidently. However, there is a place that serves the stuff we are used to, so we are having that for dinner. Anyway-back to previous story- so Baby girl is asleep and when she wakes up it will be just me-Lord help me. I'll let you know what happens. 

FYI- Elementary school is from 8:30-4:30. Students go home from 11:30-2:30 for lunch and nap. High school is from 7:30- sometimes 9:30 at night. Work day is from 8-6. 

I know it's blurry but that says it all

The traffic lights count down the wait time

The city where she was born

The Yellow River-it's like our Mississippi

This is how our passport trip went down

Like our McDonalds or Taco Bell

Chicken sandwich made from chicken parts-I couldn't stomach it


The Transportation Office

Our information says she was found across the street from the transportation office


  1. Steve is done for :). She is so precious.

  2. Mathis just came in here and asked who I was looking at. I told him it was another family from here that is in China right now and she has 2 big brothers here waiting on her. He crawled into my lap and wanted to see ALL of her pictures! The first thing he said was "She looks like Quinn!". He told me that she should be friends with Quinn and Anna Mei...too sweet!

  3. I can't wait to hear what happens next!
