Monday, April 14, 2014

Home at last. home at last

Thank God Almighty we're Home at last! Uneventful. Ai-Le Kate did better on the plane than I did. The first flight we were on the plane for over four hours. I just about lost it on that flight, Steve would probably say I DID lose it. So I medicated myself for the next flight and prayed and sang for our entire layover. And the next- 14 hour flight was not bad at all. BC Ai-Le prefers daddy I chilled and napped through most of that flight. When we landed in Houston, Ai-Le Kate landed as a US citizen. We were eating some Mexican fast food in the Houston airport and guess who walks up!?!? Danielle!! I nearly lost it again. She was coming back from a meeting and was able to get on our flight home. I love the unique ways God answers our prayers! That last flight was the easiest for sure! To say we were welcomed home, is an understatement! If I had any tears left-they would've fallen for hours. It was definitely overwhelming in the most amazing way! Sunday-our first day home was fine. She slept most of the night Saturday night however Steve and I both feel like we just delivered her! I know it will get easier once we have had some sleep. She loved her room and her ge-ges (big brothers) even more! Of course American initiation included southern maid donuts for breakfast and Mexican for lunch and first trip to Target! She loved all of it and actually ate lots of fruit which she wouldn't do in China! Last night (Sunday night) she slept from 8-5. I feel a little more normal today. She had a fit this morning when I tried to sit her at the table to eat and the boys weren't there-they were still asleep.  She kept pointing in the direction of their room. Steve went to work and took the boys and she had a fit. She sat at the back door screaming for 30minutes. I just got myself ready and checked on her every few minutes to make sure she was ok.

My trio
First trip to Target
Actually played with Steph

After Steve and boys left-30 minutes-no joke

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