Steve is worn out. Sadly enough, I feel sorry for him. I'm actually tired from watching him do everything for her. I know he works hard for our family outside of our home and I'm so grateful I am married to someone who enjoys his work, loves his job, and works diligently without complaint. However, it is evident God designed women to be the caregivers of the home. This experience has made me realize how important our roles are. This experience has made Steve realize how difficult our roles are. I pray I can be more like the Proverbs woman God created me to be. We had a good afternoon. She slept for 2 hours then woke up ready to go! Steve, Ai-Le Kate, and another dad walked to get us some dinner. I'm sure the only thing more awkward than a white man and woman walking around with a Chinese baby is two white men walking around with a Chinese baby. Oh and she was wearing short sleeves-which is a BIG no-no over here. This morning an older lady scolded Steve (although he had no clue what she was saying-he knew exactly what she was trying to say) for not having sleeves on her. They believe babies will catch a fever if they are not covered-even when it's 85 degrees outside. I guess we all have our customs and traditions. It has been amazing having the opportunity to learn so much about her heritage. I hope we can bring her and the boys back here someday. Anyway, so Steve took her out showing a lot of skin, however, no one scolded him tonight. She ate and loved the fried rice and pork. She is beginning to eat a little more. I think she is just busy and is loving all the new opportunities she has been given. Maybe she won't have the food issues most of these kids have. Lord knows we don't need another person in the family who has issues with food. I guess time will tell. After dinner, he walked down to pay our hotel bill and he left her here. I got the bubbles out and she loved it. She actually got close to me and I held the wand for her to blow and she smiled. She started getting nervous so I got out a balloon and blew it up. She was not sure about the balloon and was ready for Steve to get back. She fussed a bit so I turned on her favorite video and luckily he came back. Guess what? Tiramisu was still available after 7:30 so we had dessert tonight. She ate it as well as all the fancy chocolate things on top. While Steve showered, I brushed my teeth and she grabbed her toothbrush and put it in her mouth. She is really just playing with it now but after almost 3 years what is a little more time without brushing gonna hurt? Steve handed her her pj pants and she put them on herself. She stood by the bed just staring at Steve just like today before her nap-as if she's fighting sleep. He picked her up, gave her her blanket and baby doll, and put her on our bed. In a few minutes she was asleep. He has been putting her in her bed after she falls asleep and she stays there all night. Hoping tonight will not be any different.
Well we all slept again last night. Baby girl wakes up and whines for a few seconds it seems like she does it several times a night, however, she never fully awakens or needs consoling, so so far we are good in that department. We woke up around 5 to leave for airport. She isn't a morning person or should I say she simply needs some time to wake up. We didn't eat much at breakfast and I thought we would regret it later. We had a long bus ride to the airport and she snacked the entire soon as our plane took off, she fell asleep and slept most of the flight. I on the other hand had my first real cry/melt down/flying freak out/it's time to go home -tantrum. They fed us on the 2 hour flight. Choices were duck or fish. I had my mind set on pb&j which was perfect bc the meal came with a roll. I, however, forgot to pack the pb in my bag. Oh well-snickers and trail mix it is!! So 45 min bus ride to the hotel- very nice hotel by far-by Chinese or American standards. Starbucks attached and McDs next door. She wasn't interested in sitting around the hotel room so first stop- Starbucks. Hey, why not? Bonus they serve tiramasu now- do you see a theme people!?! Chinese love tiramasu as much as I do! Sp back up to the room for a nap. Did I say nap? I meant bath and no nap-ready to leave the room again. Steve and I have left snack duty to me and bc there are lots of snack times, I have had lots of opportunities to serve her. I exclusively give the snacks and drinks so if she wants a snack or drink-she will take it from me- otherwise...oh well. That may sound harsh but we are just doing what we feel is right- who knows. It's just like a newborn- you do what you think is best though not everyone will always agree. My wifi is in and out I've been trying to post this for over 24 hours. I have learned some amazing things about her last year of life. Amazing story. All glory to God. I'll post later
Half of our group
One of our reps Rita
The correct way to eat an Oreo is innate
1st plane ride
Just so there's no confusion
The airport in Guangzhou
Street vendors
Fresh oj
Steve bought oj. I talked him out of drinking it
Real estate
Silly with daddy
View from our hotel in Guangzhou
Every hotel room has been fully prepared for nuclear war
I have lots more pics. Having trouble uploading now
Can't wait to hear the story of her last year and when she was found. So funny Steve was scolded for not bundling her! Hope you felt better after your "melt-down". Good cries always help! Good idea about snack time, sound like you and her are making "baby step" progress. Praying that continues.
ReplyDeleteYou're doing great if today was your first meltdown! Love y'all and can't wait to see you when you get back!
ReplyDeleteStrength and prayers are sent your way my friend. You're allowed as many meltdowns and servings of tiramisu as needed! You are exceptionally strong and brave.