Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Our First Gotcha Day!

It's hard to believe it's ALREADY been a year AND it's hard to believe it's ONLY been a year. I've slacked off in the blogging department. I've been a little busy. Adding a third introduces a whole new dynamic into the mix. Not to mention the fact that she is 3, a girl, and from China- on top of that it's a constant competition for her affection between me and Steve. On second thought, a competition is rivalry between people and frankly, there is no rivalry. AiLe Kate is her daddy's child.  I come in a very distant second. But, I'll take it.
This year has been amazing! I'm not saying it has been easy but hand of God has soothed, guided, and orchestrated every move in it and that has been an unbelievable thing to witness. She is grounded, happy, and fun to be around-when she's not telling me to go away or shut my mouth. AiLe is developing at a rapid pace, her English is better than some adults I know. All joking aside, I truly had a revelation  last week-AiLe sees me as caregiver, which essentially I am. I know I offer more than what her nannies gave to her in China, however, I understand now why our transition and bond (the one bt me and AiLe) has been so difficult.
She loves our extended family and all of our friends as well as Will and Luke's friends. She asked for almost everyone by name-all of the time-seriously all of the time. SHE NEVER STOPS TALKING! Of course, neither does Luke-makes for interesting car rides. The boys will agree, AiLe is and always has been a part of our family. I can not wait to see what God had in store for this next year.

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