Thursday, March 27, 2014

I don't think we're in Kansas anymore!

As much as I am writing this for everyone else, my target audience is my daughter and this permanent record she will be able to read when she's interested- so pardon if I ramble on sometimes. Also excuse the typos as I'm writing under extreme jet lag. I'll try to upload the pics in order but I can't make any promises. The 15 hour plane ride will definitely be my least favorite part of this journey, HOWEVER, I felt completely covered in prayer- I did have alternating moments of peace in between my moments of panic. For most of my waking moments (and even some of my "in and out of sleepy" moments) I was either reciting scripture or singing worship songs. I was bummed bc I couldn't get wifi and therefore catch up on my reading through the bible during the flight. Regardless, the flight was uneventful and we made it safely to our hotel and to the breakfast buffet by 6:00 AM. We are 13 hours ahead of everyone back home so it's actually Thursday here! Smog is crazy-just like the pic Dr. Chuck showed several weeks back. It looks foggy but it's pollution. I'd say about 10% of people wear face masks. It may be more but there are so many people and everyone is in a hurry! It made me feel like my home life is on island time as fast as these guys move! One of the reps from our adoption agency (CCAI) picked us up at the airport. After she helped us check in the hotel, we were given the rest of the day to have some free time. We probably should have slept but we were too excited! We actually were able to navigate around via the subway so we saw a lot of the city. That is why it's 5 PM here, which is actually 4 AM there and I feel as if I just worked a night shift at the hospital. Of course we rode all over town looking for a restaurant recommended by someone and it was worth the search (Anthony Bourdain and Eric would be proud)! Anyway, here are some pics from today! BTW, I don't believe there was a moment people weren't staring at us. Not sure if it was our blond hair or our giant feet, either way we noticed it for sure. We asked for assistance with directions a few times. Several people actually kept walking or would shake their head as if to say no speak English. Others were extremely helpful and enjoyed practicing their English on us!
Last pic as a family of four

The scorpions and beetles are still moving

Candied strawberries on a stick
I can not believe we are here! So surreal

Couldn't find Starbucks but McDonalds was just as good

Jasmine and fruit tea 

Thought the boys would like this. Took this pic at a 7/11

Our hotel

GL cafe

It truly is the Real Thing!

Yes! That is the girl's potty

The alley of street vendors goes on forever

A Catholic Church across from our hotel. Loved the tree as well


  1. Yay! Glad you made it safe and to let you know someone is reading your posts! ;-) Happy you chose the candied strawberry stick instead of a candied scorpion stick!

  2. So awesome..praying for you guys.

  3. We love reading your daily updates...and the pictures are amazing!
    We are soooo excited that you are there!
    Love you guys!

  4. This is so much fun to see! Have been thinking about y'all all week! Looking forward to more pics...

  5. Y'all are there!!! Write down EVERYTHING on this is ABSOLUTELY for her!! Praying!!
