Sunday, April 28, 2013

Signed, Sealed, Delivered

A lot has happened over the last 6 months. Originally I thought I would go back and blog 
for each specific detail but the thought of that stressed me out so I opted to give a synopsis
instead and then move forward from here. If you've adopted before, you'll understand and
if you haven't, you should be thankful for the condensed version. Our homestudy took MONTHS longer than expected. of course our social worker says this never happens. Although i have been in panic mode, Steve always, ok most of the time, knows just what to say. He told me God has already picked out this baby and it doesn't matter if it takes a little longer because she will still be there waiting for us. I know he is right. I just pray she is comfortable and loved. Friday at 11:02 AM, I
received an email from my agency friend and Dossier specialist, Sarah, stating our dossier
had been checked-in, meaning our agency had just received our complete dossier. I know
that was a terribly long sentence but sometimes I don't have the energy to edit my blogs.
Let the record state, however, that I am, like my BFF Allison, a grammar Nazi. I am not
 an eloquent speaker like she is AND I use similar sounding words interchangeably and
incorrectly. Even with that being said, I DO do it with correct grammar! Anyway, back to
the story. From this point our agency has 9-11 days to thoroughly inspect our paperwork
 for missing pieces, have it translated into Chinese, and get it signed, sealed, and delivered
 to China. Come on, I know you're now singing it too! I'll keep you posted! Even though
we know each step has totally been in God's hands, now there is nothing else for me and
Steve to do except wait for THE phone call, keep saving our pennies, and pray!
Please pray with us!

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